Last week, I wrote, in some post or other, about the risk that working for the Church poses to one's faith. I received two heartfelt letters agreeing with me, regretfully. So it occurred to me to do a sort of open thread on that very topic. I think it might be instructive for all of us.
I say "sort of open" because I would like to limit participation in this particular thread to those who have actually worked for the institution in some capacity, and perhaps still do: Parish, diocese, press, schools. I'll even say people like me are allowed - people who may not get regular paychecks from the institution (any longer), but who are, to put it blunty, in the religion biz. Lay, ordained or professed.
I'll get started by delineating the things I think people experience in church employment that can challenge faith...And believe me, it's not that I see these things as necessarily "negative," but Our faith grows through all kinds of earthquakes and aftershocks, no matter where we are.
* Having illusions about church operations and other church employees shattered.
*Faith matters becoming identified with work, losing the fire.
*Faith matters accruing negative vibes/connotations because of associations with the dynamics of a work week, a difficult workplace, etc...becoming something to escape for that reason.
*Loss of integrity for fear of offending employers/co-workers, or fear of losing sales or not getting speaking gigs, for example, in a diocese.
*Exploiting the trust of others
*Failing to pursue works of mercy because "you know I work for the Church, and am already making a sacrifice"
*Seeing those you serve with the same negativity that too many customer service people see their customers - as a bother, as problems, as obstacles to the perfection of your plan.
*Working with those who take paychecks from the Church and whose work may be esteemed by TPTB, but who are in essence subverting the work of the Church. (AKA, the diocesan director of religious ed I knew who regularly looked forward to JPII's death. This was ten years ago, so she had a long wait. AKA, the bishop whom I heard say of the Catechism, "We have to be careful who gets their hands on it." AKA, the pastor who, upon hearing news of an accusation of abuse against a lay volunteer responded, "We have to get to the parents and convince them not to press charges." Etc.)
If you'd like to comment on this thread, but don't want to be identified, let me know. Go ahead and post anonymously, but out of courtesy to me and our readers, drop me a line regarding your True Identity. I'm sure some could make up all kinds of great stories, but I don't want that.
Oh, and so we don't all leave completely do you cope?