Okay, I know. It's a way of evangelizing. I hope it works. And I also know that every time I give a talk on this, folks come up to me with stories about the impact of this dreadful piece of dreck. So it matters.
And the good thing is, my state of fed-up rage has done a great deal to fuel my own novel-writing. I've reached the excellent point at which I no longer am drifting about in a state of delight with my vague ideas along with a determination to procrastinate from actually confronting how they look on paper. I can hardly wait to finish up the latest interview or DVC-related article so I can plunge back into it. It's all part of the writers' procrastination dance: your house is never so clean as when you have a deadline. Your daunting, overwhelming novel-in-progress never looked as enticing as when you're in the midst of JesusMaryMagdaleneCouncilofNicaeaGospelofMaryGnosticismAlbinoOpusDeiMonkHahaha for the umpteenth time.
Now...who wants to publish it?
As someone once said..."There are so many mediocre novels out there...why can't my mediocre novel get published?"