Via Rocco Palmo, news of a big bruhaha in Boston involving the head of the Caritas Christi health system - battling several charges of sexual harassment. The news today is reported here:
Archbishop O'Malley was apparently supporting a private reprimand, the board was supportive of that until new accusations came out. Capping it all is this nugget:
Evidence of the longstanding rancor between O'Malley and Lennon, who was the interim leader of the archdiocese after the December 2002 resignation of Cardinal Bernard F. Law, seeped into the open yesterday. In response to an inquiry from the Globe, Lennon issued a statement saying he was involved in the Haddad inquiry from April 24, when it was first brought to the attention of the Chancery, until May 18.
``On May 18, 2006, I was informed in writing at 1:00 p.m. that Cardinal Archbishop Sean O'Malley had removed me as a member of the Caritas Christi Corporation and also from the Board of Governors of the Caritas Christi Corporation, effective immediately," Lennon said.
Lennon's spokesman, Robert D. Tayek, said Lennon's term as a board member should have run until June 15, and that only the board -- not O'Malley -- had the power to remove him. Lennon, as some other members did, expected to participate in the Thursday meeting by telephone.
Not so, countered Ann Carter, the spokeswoman for O'Malley. She said O'Malley replaced Lennon on the corporation, but that Lennon then chose to resign from the board of governors. Until Lennon took that additional step, Carter said, ``the cardinal had anticipated Bishop Lennon would participate in the meeting by phone."
``There must be some misunderstanding," Carter said.