Today was the massive gathering of representatives of the "new movements," for a Vigil of Pentecost at St. Peter's with the Pope.
There were an estimated 350,000 gathered (35-45,000 has been the normal number for the Wednesday audeinces for Benedict, just by way of comparison), and the crowd stretched all the way down to the Tiber, apparently.
What a great photo. He apparently entered and swung down the crowd as it gathered outside the Piazza - usually he comes in from the front and drives around there a little bit. Incidentally, the headlines writer at AP is mis-reporting this a bit as a gathering of "youths." (If you go to that link, do read the nice sidebar about the 80-year old head of the papal bodyguard crew finally retiring)
Teresa Benedetta has translated at the Papa Ratzinger Forum (scroll down)
It is typically beautiful and rich - a meditation on Creation, the Spirit, and true freedom:
Dear friends, I ask you to be – even more, so much more – than collaborators in the universal apostolic ministry of the Pope, opening the doors to Christ. This is the best service that the Church can do for men and especially so for the poor, so that a person’s life, a more just order in society, and peaceful coexistence among nations may find in Christ the keystone on which to construct an authentic civilization, the civilization of love.
The Holy Spirit grants to believers a higher vision of the world, of life, of history, and makes them guardians of the hope that never disappoints.
Let us therefore pray to God the Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ, in the grace of the Holy Spirit, that the celebration of Pentecost be like an ardent flame and and a raging wind for Christian life and for the mission of the whole Church.