...to make sure your subconscious isn't screaming through what you write, or that you just don't say something amazingly stupid.
Again, we disguise the source. But a reader sent this in from a bulletin, an announcement provided by that diocese' Office of Vocations:
His co-workers are well-trained and knowledgeable in their fields.
And they are supportive, never competitive. They laugh a lot with him.Sometimes they cry with him. But they are always caring. This job has brought out in him all sorts of hidden talents. He hadn't known what a flair he had for public speaking; now, after every talk, there are pats on the back. He hadn't known how much he liked children; now hundreds of kids know he's ticklish behind the knees. This is not a dead-end job. He is learining every day. He is a priest. Does his job sound good to you?
How much is wrong with this? Where do we start?
Along with everything else, and aside from the fact that you know, Christ isn't mentioned, highlighting the image that hundreds of children knows he's ticklish behind the knees has got to be the absolutely weirdest vocational recruitment tagline ever.
(Note - it's been brought to my attention by several readers, that this bulletin clip is provided by the Serra Club, the vocations-awareness organization. The other clips aren't so bad...but this one is awful. And obviously someone chose it to publish in this bulletin and this diocese...)