Signs that we have a very long way to go....
I will disguise the facts of this post the best I can...someone associated with a Catholic high school in the United States wrote to say that he/she fought a battle with the rest of his/her department about summer reading for theology class students. The first choice was...
Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Don't talk to me about people stuck in the 50's who want to go back to some mythical Catholic life that never was. I'm thinking that the people stuck in the 70's are a bit more of a problem, 'cause they're still running a lot of things.
I mean, we had to read JLS in Freshman religion class in 1974, and even we knew it was a joke then. It bowls me over to think that there are folks out there talking to each other and saying, "Wow, it would really be great if the kids read Jonathan Livingston's just what kids today need to get them jazzed about Christ."
It doesn't get much better, unfortunately. Because the final selection, despite my correspondent's protests was...
Two words: Mr. Blue
Three, even more radical words for Catholic educators: Gospel of Mark. Or Luke. Or Matthew? John?