More at Christopher Johnson about what is called the "Kigali Communique"
Christopher links to a very interesting commentary on this Communique, one that takes on the more liberal line emanating from the West that Those Africans are too obsessed with the sex lives of Westerners, while the Westerners are really, really mostly concerned about Peace n' Justice, which Those Africans really should care about, too:
First of all, the opening paragraphs of the Kigali statement dealt with:
1) massacres in Rwanda
2) massacres in Sudan
3) war in Burundi, Uganda and Congo
and it finished with discussions of:
4) poverty eradication, HIV/AIDS, peace building and church planting
all the breathtaking achievements (the the MDG) that dominated the meeting. But now it's their turn to ignore everything else these Primates are concerned about, in favour of the one issue where they can have the starring role.
5) theological formation
6) economics
7) conflict with Islam
I think it's embarrassing that people carrying these burdens should have to devote time and attention to the problems of the pampered decadents of North America. Typically, when the General Convention finished in Columbus, revisionists were angrily complaining that their opponents would only talk about "the sex thing", and were ignoring