They are going through amendments there has been a request to consider separately. They have the amendments in front of them, but we don't know what they are. So it's hard to follow.
Archbishop Burke is speaking about Courage and EnCourage . It seems as if his amendment is calling for explicit recognition of the ministry. Saying that there is no support group that is more faithful or has more history.
Bishop Serratelli: says the committee agrees with Bishop Burke. It's not a question of the group. The committee felt with a generic statement and not to recommend or mention any particular group.
Bishop Paproki gets up and speaks in support of Archbishop Burke and poitns out since this is a document for bishops, it would be helpful to have specific suggestions.
Archbishop Niederauer speaks against Archbishop Burke's amendment. I want to support the committee's judgment for a generic mention. No reason given.
Bishop Kinney speaks in favor of Burke's amendment -
Cardinal George: in favor of the amendemnt, strongly, saying that Courage has been unjustly attacked and falsely misrepresented. The effectiveness of the group has struck him: "they are not only striving to be chaste, but they are striving to be saints. They are holy people." The problem with it is that it is an anonymous ministry. It is a 12-step program. This is one way that should not be overlooked.
Bishop Sullivan: Against the Burke amendment - it's a divisive issue. Such a complex issue. People who are really inately oriented will not be cured.
Serratelli: What about a footnote?
Burke: I was hoping for more than a footnote. Not adequate.
Vote on the amendement as Burke proposed it. Voice vote inconclusive.
Go to the computers: The amendment is defeated 121 to 105.
Now Serratelli has proposed a footnote - put Courage and Encourage in a footnote.
Discussion: Bishop Sullivan, again, against. Many associated with national association of diocesan directors of ministries to gays and lesbians will be offended. They should be mentioned too.
Bishop Morlino: Why can't Burke's amendment be amended?
It's kind of a morass right now. And I've got to go.
Lest you think this is a small matter - it's not. There are many, many in Church structure who are very hostile to Courage and what it stands for.
(Just so you know - Niederauer is now speaking in favor of including Courage and Encourage in a footnote.)
Voice vote on footnote - passed by a wide margin.