From the BBC3 - available until the 10th.
Advent Prose: Rorate coeli (Plainsong)
Processional Hymn: O come, O come, Emmanuel
Bidding Prayer
Carol: Adam lay y bounden (Philip Ledger)
I :The Message of Advent
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Sapientia; O Adonai
First lesson: Isaiah 11 vv1-5
Carol: Threshold of Night (Tarik O'Regan)
Second lesson: 1 Thessalonians 5 vv1-11
Anthem: This is the record of John (Orlando Gibbons)
II: The Word of God
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Radix Jesse; O Clavis David
Carol: This have I done for my true love (Gustav Holst)
Third lesson: Micah 4 vv1-4
Carol: E'en so Lord Jesus (Paul Manz)
Fourth lesson: Luke 4 vv14-21
Hymn: Come thou long-expected Jesus
III: The Prophectic Call
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Oriens; O Rex Gentium
Carol: Out of your sleep (Nelson)
Fifth lesson: Malachi 3 vv1-7
Carol: A spotless rose (Herbert Howells)
Sixth lesson: Matthew 3 vv1-11
Hymn: On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry
IV: The Christ Bearer
Sentence and Collect
Antiphon: O Emmanuel
Carol: There is no rose (Benjamin Britten)
Seventh lesson: Luke 1 vv39-49
Motet: I sing of a maiden (Lennox Berkeley)
Magnificat: Collegium Sancti Johannis Cantabrigense (Herbert Howells)
Eighth lesson: John 3 vv1-8
Sentence and Christmas Collect
Carol: Bethlehem Down (Peter Warlock)
Hymn: Lo! He comes with clouds descending
College Prayer and Blessing
Organ Voluntary: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV645 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
And..please go check out the new web radio station Choral Treasure:
I am emailing you to tell you of a venture we have just started up this week, a Catholic sacred music internet broadcast. Called "Choral Treasure" after the wording of Vatican II which described the musical tradition of the universal Church as a treasure of inestimable value, we will be broadcasting (netcasting?) Catholic sacred music 24 hours a day, music which grows out of both the Western and Eastern rites.
The broadcast is accessible both at 365 Live and at our own website.
The latter is our website which is very much under construction right now since we wanted to get the broadcast up and running ASAP. We hope that eventually the website will become a gathering place for people who want to discuss and learn about, but most of all to hear and enjoy the musical tradition of the Church. We are very encouraged that in just the past few days we have already had listeners from over two dozen countries.