And just to be contrary, you can add your two cents to this thread, inspired by what Alexandra Pelosi is quoted as saying about her own Catholic education:
Learning about that divide was a shock to the woman who spent her childhood in progressive Catholic schools. "We were taught just to accept people, that was just a given," Pelosi says. "I don't ever remember being told at Convent of the Sacred Heart that gay was wrong. They never even told us there was anything wrong with abortion. They were just choices.
"That's why it was weird when I'd go to these places and ... people would say, 'It's in the Bible.' And they fall back on the Bible for everything."
During Nancy Pelosi's speaker celebrations this month, as the Pelosi clan drove through the streets of Washington and Baltimore together, some protesters held up signs that read, "Pelosi Preys on Children" -- a reference to the speaker's pro-choice stand, which contradicts church doctrine.
"My mother, throughout her entire life, has been faithful to the church, even though the church has not been that faithful to her because of her politics. And I think that takes a lot of perseverance," she says. "And still, people protest her right to go to her own church."
Now, I remember reading somewhere last week someone - I have no idea who or where this was - disputing Pelosi's account of her own Catholic education. Said they knew the school, and it couldn't have happened that way, etc. Who knows.
Anyway, this is a thread, designed to be instructive of negative experiences you have had with Catholic schools. Not picky disputes with a teacher that could have happened in any school system, but serious questions have been raised in your mind by either your own or your children's (or grandchildren's) experience of Catholic schools - questions like, "And I'm paying for them to not learn about their faith? Huh."
Not a place for generalized reflections, either. It's only Monday!
Update/Clarification: The weight of the comments is falling on the inadequacies of post-V2 Catholic education, probably because my leading question pushed it there. But there might be readers who have something to say something in this post about pre-V2 Catholic education, as well.
Update again:
Do remember that there's a Thank you, Catholic schools! thread down below...